Self Love, Best Positive Morning Motivation

Self Love – Self Care

How much do you love yourself? Because if you understand the value of SELF LOVE, you’ll never be friends with those types of clueless people.
Most of the people running around are empty. They have no sense of self love. When I say self love, it has nothing to do with celebrity, money, materialistic things, and all of the things that your negative mind could probably go to has nothing to do with self love
has nothing to do with looks, nothing to do with cars and any of the superficial things that one would assume that can make you love yourself even more.

Know your value – Self Love

It’s a matter of knowing your value. It’s a matter of you saying I don’t have to be around these people in these type of environments and situations in order for me to finally see something in myself. I love me independent of you loving me. I believe in me. I know myself worth. I am here. And I have a purpose.
A person who can forgive nothing as a person is totally destroyed psychologically and emotionally. Forgive things in past, forgive any relationship that you ever had that didn’t work out, forgive everyone else in your life that has ever hurt you in any way, and Forgive yourself.


Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different. Many of you think forgiving means accepting what has happened to you. Well, it is accepting that it has happened to you. Not accepting that it was OK for it to happen. It is accepting that it has happened. And now “what do I do about it?”
Forgiving is giving up hope not holding on, hoping, wishing. That it could have been any other way than it actually was Giving up the hope that the past could be any different. And when I got that, I think it took me to the next level of being a better person, because I don’t hold grudges for anything or any situation, and neither should you.
It’s letting go so that the past does not hold you. See, life is cyclic. You’re not what is extreme, whatever experience you’re having right now It does not come to stay. It has come to pass. It’s just going through. The biggest challenge is to know what’s happening. This is a part of this thing we call life, this too shall pass.
You have to be willing to break from the past to have the future you so desperately desire. You have to have the courage to allow yourself to honor the past as it was to forgive those who need to be forgiven.
Let it go and begin to focus on developing myself. you’re going to have people to do things to you. Things are going to happen to you. And the most important thing to do is to harness your WILL and let it go and move so you can grow, so you can get on with your life. It doesn’t matter what happens to you. What matters is, what are you going to do about it.

Personal Growth

If you want to begin to move into your own personal greatness, if you want to begin to really enjoy a happy, successful, healthy life, you’ve got to be willing to go against the tide. You’ve got to be willing to harness your will. So as you are in the process of reinventing your life. Write a description of the kind of person that you want to be.
What are the things that you must overcome? What qualities about your personality? You know that you’re going to have to change because those particular characteristics are liabilities to you. What are you assets? What are your strong points? Look at and evaluate yourself to make that determination.
We need some coaching. Find some trusted critics. people that you know care about you, love you says somethings that keeps us from growing and getting out of ruts. We take it personal when someone wants to give us some feedback on where we are falling short and tell us about our blind spots. We want to have everything being positive about us. We’re not perfect.

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