5 Best Protein Powders

5 Best Protein Powders & How To Choose the Best Protein Powder Supplements

All men are created equal, but your protein powder is not.

So what is the best type of protein powder?
Athletes and individuals who regularly lift weights may find that taking protein powder helps maximize muscle gain and increase fat loss. But that’s not all my friends. Protein powders can also aid individuals, such as people who are ill, older adults and some vegetarians or vegans who struggle to meet protein needs with food alone.
So all that being said, which type of protein powder is the best?
This is the big question. Let me first say the number one option for getting your protein needs should come from the food in your diet. There are an infinite number of protein powders on the market made from a variety of sources. It can be difficult to determine which protein is right for you. That’s why today I’m breaking down everything that you need to know about the top five types of protein powders out there. This is based on your desired fitness results, dietary preferences, and lifestyle.
First things first, let’s understand what in the world is protein, and why does our body need it?
Well on a basic level, your body needs protein to stay healthy and to work the way it should. Protein is found literally in everything from your organs to your muscles,
your skin, hair, tissue, bones, and it also plays a major role in carrying oxygen throughout your body in your blood, and it helps fight off infections, keep cells healthy, and the list goes on and on. If you aren’t getting enough in your diet, this can lead to muscle loss, tissue breakdown, and all sorts of other health problems.
And we don’t want that.
So a great way to supplement protein in your diet is to get it through means such as a protein powder. Protein powders are concentrated sources of protein made from either animal or plant foods, such as dairy, eggs, rice, peas, and many others. To take protein powders, you simply mix the powder with water or another liquid of your choice and consume it.
Here are the top five types of proteins on the market.
1. Whey Protein – Whey protein comes from milk. Milk harbors lactose, which many individuals have difficulty digesting. But while whey protein concentrate retains some lactose, the isolate version contains very little because most of this milk sugar is lost during processing. The isolated version contains very little because most of this milk sugar is lost during processing. Whey digests quickly and is rich in branched-chain acids, BCAAS. Leucine, one of this BCAAS, plays a major role in promoting muscle growth and recovery after resistance and endurance exercise. When amino acids are digested and absorbed into your bloodstream, they become available for Muscle Protein Synthesis, MPS, or the creation of new muscles.
Studies reveal that whey protein can help build and maintain muscle mass, assist in athletes with recovery from heavy exercise and increase muscle strength in response to strength training. One study out of the Journal of Applied Physiology reported the young men showed that whey protein increased MPS 31% more than protein. And 132% more than casein protein, following resistance exercise. Other studies in normal weight, overweight, and obese individuals suggested that whey protein may improve body composition by decreasing fat mass and increasing overall lean mass.
What’s more, whey protein seems to reduce appetite at least as much as other types of protein. Some studies even suggest that whey protein may also reduce inflammation and improve certain heart health markers in overweight and obese people.
2. Casein Protein –  Similar to whey, casein is a protein found in milk. However, casein is digested and absorbed much more slowly. Casein forms a gel, which interacts with stomach acid, slowing down stomach emptying and delaying your bloodstream’s absorption of amino acids. This results in a gradual steadier exposure
of your muscles to amino acids, reducing the rate of muscle protein breakdown. Research indicates that casein is more effective in increasing muscle protein synthesis and strength than soy or wheat protein, but less than whey protein. One study out of the Annuls of Nutrition and Metabolism reported that overweight men suggested that when calories are restricted, casein may have an advantage over whey in improving body composition during weightlifting.
3. Egg Protein – Eggs are excellent, or should I say an eggcellent source of high-quality protein and fat. In fact, whole-food eggs had the highest protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score. Like all animal products, eggs are a complete protein source. That means they provide all nine essential amino acids that your body cannot make themselves. Eggs are also one of the best foods for decreasing appetite and helping you stay full for longer. That’s why the protein quality remains at an A+.
However, you may experience less fullness because the high-fat yolks have been removed resulting in just egg whites. Egg white protein could be a good choice for people with dietary allergies who prefer a supplement based on animal protein, but please keep in mind that egg white protein hasn’t been studied as much as whey or casein. In one study of the Journal of Nutrition, egg protein demonstrated less potential to reduce appetite than casein or pea protein when consumed before a meal.
4. Pea protein – Pea protein powder is especially popular among vegetarians, vegans, and individuals with that allergies or sensitivities to dairy or eggs. Pea protein consists of split pea, a high-fiber legume that boosts all but one of the essential amino acids. Pea protein is also particularly rich and in BCAAS however, a full disclosure, good tasting varieties are just a little tricky to come by.  So when it comes to pea protein, the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition reported in a 12-week study in 161 men during resistance training, those who took 1.8 ounces or about 50 grams of pea protein daily experienced similar increases in muscle thickness as those men who consumed the same amount of whey protein daily. Though pea protein powder seems promising, some high-quality research is needed to confirm these results.
5. Hemp Protein – Hemp protein powder is another plant-based supplement that is gaining in popularity. Although hemp is related to marijuana, it doesn’t contain THC. So don’t expect to get a high from a scoop of hemp in your next protein shake, okay? Hemp is rich in beneficial omega three fatty acids and several essential amino acids. However, it is not considered a complete protein because it’s very low in levels of amino acids, such as lysine and leucine. While not much research exists on hemp protein, it appears to be a well-digested plant source protein.
So how much protein does one need to consume?
The dietary guidelines for Americans as put together by the United States Department of Agriculture of Health and Human Services recommended for sedentary boys ages 14 to 18 received around 52 grams a day. And sedentary men over the age of 19 consume about 56 grams. While women and girls over the age of 14 should consume around 46 grams. While weight lifters will eat one gram of protein per pound of body weight. So that’s a lot. So for me, I lift a lot of weights. So I actually eat less than one gram per pound of body weight, but I’m up to almost 165 grams of protein a day currently. But I’m also trying to increase some muscle mass and maintain my muscle mass as I continue to lift weights. So it all depends on what your individual need is as to how much protein that you actually need
on a daily basis.
Most everyone should be getting somewhere between 10 to 35% of their calories each day in the form of protein. But remember, this is a general guideline as it can change for you on a personal level, depending on your needs. More isn’t necessarily better. While protein definitely helps your body and building muscle, and a whole slew of other benefits, if you consume too much, your body may store the extra fat. So do keep that in mind. Other important factors to remember, and I use this for my own choices of protein as well. How well does a protein powder actually mix with the liquid of choice, the flavors they offer, and the other ingredients in it, such as monk fruit or Stevia as a sweetener versus like sugar and high fructose corn syrup. With all that said, the next time you’re in the market for a protein powder, shop right, and be informed with the right knowledge of what protein is best for your needs.

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