Longest Day
The summer solstice, also known as the longest day of the year, occurs every year on June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun shines over the Earth for a considerable amount of time on this special day because it is at its highest point in the sky at that time.
Longest Day of the Year, 21 June
The biggest day of the year is June 21. This day has a length of 14 hours rather than 12 hours, after which it gradually gets darker. This day is also referred to as the “energy day.”. This is the justification behind the timing of International Yoga Day. It is a well-known fact that this day is the only one with more daylight hours.
Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies
Here the Reasons of 21 June to be longest day of the year
The tilt of the Earth’s axis is the main factor affecting how long daylight lasts. In relation to its orbit around the sun, the Earth’s axis is tilted by about 23.5 degrees. The length of the day varies throughout the year as a result of the tilt, which alters the angle at which sunlight strikes various regions of the planet.
The equinoxes and solstices, which occur four times on Earth and signal the change of seasons, are significant astronomical events. The length of the day and night are equal on the equinoxes, which occur around March 21 and September 21. The length of daylight, however, varies significantly around the solstices (around June 21 and December 21).
The North Pole tilts most directly toward the sun on June 21st, which is the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. As a result, the sun appears at its highest point in the sky, resulting in the longest amount of daylight throughout the year. The midnight sun, where the sun is visible for the entire day, occurs in the Arctic Circle on this day.
The latitude of an observer is a significant factor that affects the length of the day. The length of the day grows during the summer solstice depending on one’s proximity to the North Pole. On the other hand, because the South Pole is tilted away from the sun during this time, areas closer to the South Pole experience shorter days.
Although the length of daylight is primarily determined by the tilt of the Earth’s axis, atmospheric factors can affect how long the longest day feels. The apparent position of the sun and, consequently, the duration of daylight can be slightly influenced by elements like atmospheric refraction, scattering, and the observer’s location on Earth.
Why 21st June is Longest Day of the Year?
Tilt of Earth’s Axis, Equinoxes and Solstices, Summer Solstice, Relationship Between Latitude and Daylight, Atmospheric Factors.
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