How to stop Negative Thoughts?

We all want to stay Positive but what happens at the end of the day we all continuously think about…
5 Simple Yoga Asanas That Bring Blood Sugar Levels Down

5 Simple Yoga Asanas That Bring Blood Sugar Levels Down

Living a yoga view of Life can keep your body and mind healthy many yoga asanas are beneficial for the…
5 Best Ways to Improve your Mental Health

5 Best Ways to Improve your Mental Health

Mental Health World Mental Health Day 2023 Initiated by the World Health Organisation (WHO), World Mental Health Day is observed…
Laziness, Master and Disciple Best Motivational story

Laziness, Master and Disciple Best Motivational story

Laziness enemy of Humans, Motivational Story Once upon a time, a disciple lived with his master in a Hermitage. The…
Self Love - Self Care, 8 Things to Know

Self Love – Self Care, 8 Things to Know

8 Things to Know about SELF LOVE When you think of the people you LOVE, who comes to mind first…
Life changing Motivation, Stop Wasting Your Life

Life changing Motivation, Stop Wasting Your Life

Life Changing Motivational Words You know that if anything is free people don’t give importance to it. Ask yourself, don’t…
Encouraging Quotes for Positive Life

Encouraging Quotes for Positive Life

Encouraging Quotes for a positive mindset Encouraging quotes are words of wisdom that aim to uplift and inspire people who…
Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas Best Time according to Ayurveda

Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Doshas Best Time according to Ayurveda

Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha, Kapha Dosha Namaskar, the ayurvedic concept of this area that is daily routine tells us how…
Motivational Quotes for Success

Motivational Quotes for Success

Motivational Quotes for Success can be a great source of inspiration and encouragement when pursuing success. They can provide a…
inspirational morning quotes

Inspirational Morning Quotes

Inspirational Quotes Inspirational quotes are short, powerful sayings that are intended to motivate and inspire people. Take action, pursue their…