Laziness, Master and Disciple Best Motivational story

Laziness enemy of Humans, Motivational Story

Once upon a time, a disciple lived with his master in a Hermitage. The disciple was very lazy he would always postpone today’s work for tomorrow and tomorrow’s work for the day after tomorrow because of this habit all his work would get delayed and then later he would repent. due to laziness in his studies also he lagged behind all the other students of the Gurukul. Master was aware of this habit of his disciple and was concerned about it.
One day he found a way to teach a lesson to his disciple he went to his disciple gave him a black stone and said Son take the stone, this is not an ordinary Stone this is a philosopher’s stone, the specialty of the stone is that if you rub any iron with the stone that iron will turn into gold. I am giving this black stone to you with the help of the stone you can turn iron into gold and get as much gold as you want.
I am going out for a day and I will come back by tomorrow evening till then you keep it when I come back I will take it back from you saying this the master turned back to leave. he passed for a moment and again said to his disciple remember you have time till tomorrow evening then Master turned and left from there.
Now that lazy disciple kept thinking wow I have a close first on Now I can make as much gold as I want. I have a lot of time and I will make a lot of gold. then he thought where Will he arrange so much iron, then he thought I will go to the market and buy a lot of scrap iron from the market. He thought now it is evening time and night is about to fall so I should have food now and go to sleep tomorrow morning I will go to the market buy a lot of iron scrap and then make gold of it.
The lazy disciple ate food and went to sleep while sleeping he had many dreams of becoming rich tomorrow. next morning when he woke up he thought I have time till evening I will have breakfast now and then I will go out to the market to buy iron to make gold after some time. when he finished his food he started feeling sleepy
then he thought Master would come back in the evening so I have time till evening what is the need of such a Hurry.
I should take a rest for some time now and then after that, I will go out to Market, thinking this he laid down to take the rest. while resting he fell asleep when he woke up he saw that the sun was about to set and evening time was approaching now he had to go and buy iron from the Market to make gold. he got up quickly and as soon as he came out of the Hermitage to leave for the market he found his master at the doorstep.
The master had come back. Master took that stone back from him and said your time is up. the disciple begged a lot and started pleading to the master to let him to keep stone for some time more but the Master did not listen to him and said a lazy person like you could not do anything in his life. you had 24 hours in which you could make as much as gold as you wanted but because of your laziness, you couldn’t do anything.
I will not give you the stone even for a second and this is the punishment for your laziness the man who does not value time cannot do anything in his life the disciple was standing embarrassed. he could not do anything now, he had missed a golden opportunity to get rich because of his laziness but he had now understood the lesson which his master wanted to teach him. In front of his master, he vowed never to be lazy and always make good use of his time.

Stop Laziness Stop Procrastinating

If we see in our lives we will find that it happens to all of us. sometimes we become lazy and start to delay our work for tomorrow but Tomorrow Never Comes and whenever it comes, it comes in the form of the present, if you want to do something then do it now because the wheel of time is never going to stop it will always keep moving and if we could not complete our work on time then our condition will also be like that disciple who could not use his time well due to his laziness and missed a great opportunity.
Therefore always remember that you can get everything by giving your time but you cannot get time back by giving your everything therefore never put off till tomorrow what you can do today because you may delay but time will not.

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